greerde, heeft in 1982 het contact met het provinciaal bestuur van Zeeland gelegd en dat heeft geleid tot het tweejaarlijks evenement dat Zeeland internationale faam heeft bezorgd. Niet alleen vanwege het kaliber van de laureaten, maar ook omdat de verbonden heid tussen de Roosevelt familie en het Huis van Oranje bij deze uitreikingsplechtigheden zicht baar in stand bleef: bijvoorbeeld door de aan wezigheid van Franklin D. Roosevelt, jr., David Roosevelt en Anna Eleanor Roosevelt ener zijds en van prinses Juliana, prinses Margriet, koningin Beatrix, kroonprins Willem- Alexander en prinses Maxima anderzijds. Speciaal voor de logistieke organisatie van de uitreiking in Middelburg heeft het provin ciebestuur van Zeeland in 1984 de Roosevelt Stichting opgericht waarvan de Commissaris van de Koningin voorzitter is. Deze stichting heeft in de loop der jaren met succes de provinciebij dra gen voor dit evenement weten aan te vullen met par ticuliere donaties en is er steeds beter in geslaagd de aandacht van de media in binnen- en buitenland voor deze awardsuitreiking te krijgen en om Zeeuwse known as The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute. In particular, the former president and now chair emeritus of this New York based organization, Ambassador William J. Vandenheuvel, whose father emigrated in 1923 from Breskens in Zeeland to the United States, laid the contacts in 1982 with the provincial government of Zeeland, which resulted in the bi-annual awards ceremony coming to Zeeland. Not just the caliber of the laureates, but also the alli ance between the Roosevelt family and the House of Orange have ensured that the awards ceremony has secured a place in the public eye. Guests to the cer emony have included Franklin D. Roosevelt, jr., David Roosevelt and Anna Eleanor Roosevelt on the one hand and Princess Juliana, Princess Margriet, Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima on the other. In 1984 the provincial government of Zeeland established the Roosevelt Foundation especially for the logistical organization of the ceremony in Middelburg. The Chair of the Foundation is the Queen's Commissioner. This foundation has, over the years, successfully supplemented the province's con tributions for this event with private donations and is increasingly successful in attracting the attention of both the national and foreign media for the awards ceremony, as well as mobilizing Zeeland institutions and organizations for so-called side events around the presentation. As a result, a broad support for the Middelburg ceremony exists. Since 1984 the speeches given during the prize-giving have been published in book form by the Roosevelt Study Center. The laureates The list of names of the laureates who have received a Four Freedoms Award in Middelburg since 1982 reads like a Who's Who of the world. The list is avail able on the RSC website and has also been recorded for posterity on the wall of the Kapittelzaal, the read ing room of the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg Abbey. Including the recipients of the 2008 Roosevelt medal, the number of laureates amounts to more than 70. While it's not possible to take stock of them all here, and without wishing to reduce the considerable merit of the others, some of the most eye-catching laureates in the period 1982-2006 are: 14 Zeeuws Tijdschrift 2008 5-6

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2008 | | pagina 14