Atlantikwall in Zeeland en Vlaanderen Gedurende opbouw en strijd 1942-1944 Uitgeverij Hans Sakkers DE CITADEL Hans Houterman some resistance-men in the dunes near Klein-Valkenisse, and one about help for Jewish refugees on Colijnsplaat. Returning to the battlefields, there are some new books dealing with the factual battle-movements in the may- days of 1940. I myself completed a book about the German invasion of May 1940. Georges van Vooren described the war in West-Zeeuws-Flanders, and Cor Heijkoop documented the sinking of British Torpedo- hunter HMS Valentine at Terneuzen. The devastating shelling of Middelburg on 17th May 1940 have been written down by Jacques Cats, who still clings, alas, to the myth of a pre-conceived air-bombardment. Paul Crucq, who published 3 books on such matters, has adequately documented the theme of Air-warfare in further war-years. Respectively about Air-reconnais sance and bombardments on Walcheren in 1943/1944, the bombardments of the Walcheren sea-dykes in October 1944, and the bombardments preceding the liberation of Walcheren. These books can be qualified as excellent publications, based on sound sources. Ivo de Jong wrote a detailed study of the Allied bombard ment of German airfields in the southwest of the Netherlands, with Vlissingen as a primary target. An attempt at a comprehensive writing about the air-bat tles over the Westerscheldt by Wim de Meester is now, despite it's promising subject, trapped in a quagmire, lost in details. Of the units that participated in the battles in Zeeland, many memorial books were published, often just after the war ended. The books are mainly based on regiment and official history. During the last few years, a second wave of publications has appeared, which often describe personal memories of war-veterans, to complete and/or accentuate earlier publications. Obviously, in these books, the battles and liberation of Zeeland are merely a backdrop for the bigger picture, yet they deserve to be mentioned here. Especially about the Commando-units in Walcheren, there are many such books. Then you have the books, dealing with the liberation of the Scheldt-estuary, as a whole, or in detail. Andre H. Lemoine, author of Forteresse Escaut, revamped the 20-years old publication Les batteries de Walcheren. Main objection to this book is that journalist Lemoine did not conduct any archive-research, but just hashed up the existing literature about his subject, with all the errors that come from this method. This same objection applies to the book by Ken Tout, who per mits himself a great deal of liberties. The same goes for a book by German journalist Ansgar Duernholz. 53 Zeeuws Tijdschrift 2004/6-7

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2004 | | pagina 55