1 This paper is based on 'British personnel in the Dutch navy, cl650-1720: a preliminary
survey, in P. Rees [ed.], New Researchers in Maritime History, 2004 (British Commission
for Maritime History/Merseyside Maritime Museum, forthcoming 2005).
2 John Evelyn, The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. E.S. de Beer (Oxford, 1955), 28 June 1667.
See also C.R. Boxer, The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century (London, 1974), 39.
3 P.G. Rogers, The Dutch in the Medway (London, 1970), 118-119.
4 For a detailed account of the Medway Raid and also Tobiaszoon's role, see Rogers,
Dutch in the Medway, passim, esp. 92-3, 98, 119. Tobiaszoon's Irish origins are entire
ly absent from Roger's account: for these see Samuel Pepys, Samuel Pepys's Naval
Minutes, ed. J.R. Tanner (London, 1926), 34-35; J.R. Bruijn, The Dutch navy of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Columbia, 1993), 133-134; J.R. Bruijn, Varend
Verleden: De Nederlandse Oorlogsvloot in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw (Amsterdam,
1998), 168. J.R. Bruijn, however, makes no mention of the role Tobiaszoon played in
1667. See also J.R. Bruijn E.S. van Eyck van Heslinga, 'Seamen's Employment in the
Netherlands (cl600-cl800)', Mariner's Mirror, 70 (1984), 18.
5 Rogers, Dutch in the Medway, 66.
6 P. Geyl, Orange and Stuart, 1641-1672, translation A. Pomerans (London, 1969), 265,
citing Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap, Utrecht (1917), 384.
7 National Archives, Kew [NA (K)]State Papers, Domestic, Charles II [SP] 29/208, f.
72. Captain Silas Taylor to Joseph Williamson, 4 July 1667. This intelligence came
from a Swedish merchant taken outbound from Hamburg by De Ruyter and detained
as a guest on the flagship for over a week. See also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic
CSPD1667, xlix-xlx, 266.
8 Samuel Pepys, Diary, 14 June 1667.
9 Pepys, Diary, 14 June 1667.
10 Andrew Marveil, Last Instructions to a Painter 1667)See also A.W Tedder, The Navy
of the Restoration: From the Death of Cromwell to the Treaty of Breda; its Work, Growth
and Influence (Cambridge, 1916), 184; Rogers, Dutch in the Medway, 147-8. Marveil
also mentions Dolman and the two pilots. Kipling also wrote on the subject. See
Rudyard Kipling, Dutch in the Medway (1664-1672) (1911).
11 NA (K), SP 29/206, f. 27. Colonel Titus to Lord Arlington, 18 June 1667. See also
Boxer, Anglo-Dutch Wars, 64; V. Barbour, 'Dutch and English Merchant Shipping in the
Seventeenth Century', in, P. Emmer F. Gaastra (eds), The Organisation of Interoceanic
Trade in European Expansion, 1450-1800 (Aldershot, 1996), 126 n5; CSPD 1667, lx,
12 First Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-4; Second Anglo-Dutch War, 1664-7; Third Anglo-
Dutch War, 1672-4; Nine Years' War ('William's War'), 1688-97; War of the Spanish
Succession ('Anne's War'), 1702-1713. See Appendix.
13 See, for example, P.C. van Royen, J.R. Bruijn J. Lucassen (eds.), "Those Emblems of
Hell"? European Sailors and the Maritime Labour Market 1570-1870 (St John's, 1997),
14 Boxer, Anglo-Dutch Wars, 63-4 [No reference for this data.]; C.R. Boxer, The Dutch
Seaborne Empire, 1600-1800 (New York, 1965), 58, 69, 72.
15 Nicholas Blake to Williamson, 23 March 1670, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial,
America and West Indies 1669-1674, 59-60.
16 J. Francke, Utiliteyt voor de gemeene saake. De Zeeuwse commissievaart en haar achterban
tijdens de Negenjarige Oorlog, 1688-1697, Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der
Wetenschappen, Werken deel 12 (Middelburg, 2001), 96.