150 IN THEE STAITS SERVIS Evelyn, Diaryvol. II, 63, n. 1. The average rate, 1688-97, was 20s/9.85fl. See Francke, Utiliteyt, xix. 88 CSPD 1671-1672246. 89 CSPD 1673, 60. 90 Pepys, Naval Minutes, 34-35. 91 NA (K), SP 29/181, 27. Petition of Anthony Cockarell to Navy Commissioners, 10 October 1666. See also CSPD 1666-1667, 332. 92 Charles II, Instructions to Earl of Norwich, 5/15 February 1652, CSPD 1651-1652, 136-7. 93 S.C.A. Pincus, Protestantism and Patriotism. Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650-1688 (Cambridge, 1996), 71. 94 NA (K), SP 84/172, f.128. De Bacquoy to Arlington, 18 October 1664. 95 'Contents of a letter from [William Scott (son of the regicide Thomas Scott)] to Aphara Behn, 12/22 September 1666, CSPD 1666-1667, 118. 96 NA (K), SP 29/162, f. 61. Samuel Raven to Robert Washington; Raven to Colonel Elatson; Raven to [his wife], all 10 July 1666. Pepys, Naval Minutes, 26, 46-47; Capp, Cromwell's Navy, 372, 388 n79, citing Carte MS 73, f. 403; Carte MS 74, f. 226; O. Ogle et al (eds.), Calendar of Clarendon State Papers Preserved in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1869-1970), vol. V, 129; CSPD, 1666-1667,146. See also CSPD 1665-1666, 521. 97 Major N. Durrell to Williamson, 29 30 May 1672, CSPD 1672, 96, 105. 98 Catterall, Community Without Borders, passim. 99 Richard Bower to Williamson, 22 April 1672, CSPD 1671-1672, 362. See also Barbour, 'Dutch and English Merchant Shipping', 126. 100 NA (K), SP 84/173, £51. Downing to Arlington, 29 November/9 December 1664. 101 Gemeente Archief Vlissingen, 4469. Archief van de Engelse Kerk, Notulen van de kerk- eraad, passim, especially 12, 14, 15, 30 June 1666, 7 July 1666, 4 August 1666, 6 July 1667. 102 ZA, Rek. C 6985. Payroll of 't Wapen van Zeelant, 3 April 1665; Payroll of t Wapen van Zeelant, 20 April 1665; Payment request and receipt for David Reed, 16 October 1665 enclosure, Reed's power of attorney to Broun and Wilson, 22 April 1665; Payment request and receipt for Andrew Skeen, 16 October 1665. Alexander Chrystie, probably Skeen's brother-in-law, wrote Reed's power of attorney and witnessed it. Skeen's arrears also got the backdated increase: his sister, Margarett Christie, collected these at Middelburg. Her very elegant signature indicates that she and her brother were of some status. 103 ZA, Rek. C 6985. Payment request and receipt for Adrian Cunningham, 5 August 1665. 104 ZA, Rek. C 6985. ZA, Rek. C 6985. Payroll of Dordrecht, 20 April 1665; Payroll of't Wapen van Zeelant, 20 April 1665. 105 ZA, Rek. C 6984. Payroll of Swanenburgh, 13 June 1665. 106 ZA, Rek. C 6984. Payment request and receipt for John Charles, 15 July 1665. His wife is as yet of uncertain nationality. 107 ZA, Rek. C 6985. Payroll of Veere, 23 December 1664; Payroll of Veere, 20 April 1665. ZA, Rek. C 6999. Payroll of Veere, 22 July 1665; Payroll of Tholen, January 1666; Prize money distribution for Zeeridder, 16 April 1666. ZA, Rek. C 6999.3. Payment of maandegeld to Banckert's crew Tholen]27 May 1666. 108 ZA, Rek. C 6999.2. Prize money distribution for Prins te Paard, 30 April 1666. 109 'Letter from Rotterdam', 27 August/6 September 1652, Mercurius Politicus, 1848, First Dutch War, vol. II, 224. 110 ZA, Rek. C 6984. Payroll of Vlissingen, 17 July 1665; Payroll of Vlissingen, September 1665. 111 ZA, Rek. C 6994. Payroll of Utrecht, September 1665; Payroll of Cornelis Evertsen the

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