17. H.S. Lucas (ed.), Dutch immigrant memoirs and related writings (rev. ed., Grand Rapids 1997) 2:420; Van
der Valk, 'Landverhuizersvervoer', 157.
18. R. Schoone-Jongen, 'From expensive land to cheap land. Theodore F. Koch, colonizer', Minnesota history
53 (Summer 1993) 214-224.
19. A.M. Koeweiden-Wijdeveen, Vergeten emigranten. Landverhuizing van noord- en midden-Limburg naar
Noord-Amerika in de jaren 1847-1877 (Venlo 1982) 63-64, 47-48 and 'Vergeten emigranten', Spiegel histo-
riael 19 (1984) 122-124.
20. R Taylor, The distant magnet. European emigration to the U.S.A. (New York 1971) 126; the quote is in
M. Jones, Destination America (New York 1976) 52-53.
21. G. Baay, 'Dear friends back home Delta (September 1959) 26-35, esp. 28. This is an English language
translation of Baay's letter from Alto, Wisconsin to 'My dear friends in Holland', 4 January 1849.
22. Van Hinte, Netherlander in America, 303-304; R.P. Swierenga (ed.), 'A Dutch carpenter's 'America letter'
from New York in 1849', New York history 72 (October 1991) 433-434. Dirk van Bochove, the letter writer,
alerted his family and friends about the land schemers: 'These fellows are in cahoots with the most wily bad
office of Hodenpijl established here in N.Y., against which I can not warn you enough'.
23. Van der Meulen, Geliefde vrienden, 8. The Holland Reformed Church at the time was located at 279 West
11 th Street, New York City.
24. H.S. Lucas, Netherlander in America. Dutch immigration to the United States and Canada, 1789-1950
(Ann Arbor 1955; Grand Rapids 19892) 234.
25. Baay, 'Dear friends back home1, 28-29; J. Berkhout, Brief uit Noord Amerika (Amsterdam 1849) 8 [type
script English translation by J.J. Dahm Sr. in Heritage Hall Archives, Calvin College, Grand Rapids,
26. M.D. Teenstra, Mentor. De getrouwe leidsman en raadgever voor landverhuizers, die naar Noord-Amerika
willen vertrekken (Groningen 1855) 30-45, 56-70; B.H. Wabeke, Dutch emigration to North America, 1624-
1860 (New York 1944) 107-109; Dutch immigrant memoirs, 1:194-195, 306-310, 2:91-102, 165-167, 436;
Amsterdamse emigranten, 66-69; Van den Broek, Journey, 24; Beets, Van de Luyster, 27.
27. Beets, Van de Luyster, 27, reported Rotterdam-New York or Antwerp-New York fares for Van der Meulen's
Goes Seceder congregation in 1847 of 42 ($17) for adults, 36 ($14) for children under 12, and children
under 1 year free.
28. Beets, Van de Luyster, 36, 62.
29. H.S. Lucas (ed.), 'Reminiscences of Arend Jan Brusse on early Dutch settlement in Milwaukee', Wisconsin
magazine of history 30 (September 1946) 86:87; J. Remeeus, 'The journey of an immigrant family from the
Netherlands to Milwaukee in 1854', ibid. 29 (December 1945) 201-223. J.W. Bosman's account is in Dutch
immigrant memoirs, 2:82-91. H.J. Brinks, 'Crossing the Atlantic', Origins 2 (1984, 1) 2-5, recounts the fears
immigrants expressed in their letters. For an extensive collection of immigrant travel memoirs, see
H.J. Brinks, 'Ocean voyage accounts 1856-1920', Origins 8 (1990, 1) 232.
30. R.C. Cohn, 'Mortality on immigrant voyages to New York, 1836-1853', Journal of economic history 44
(June 1984) 289-300; F. Kapp, Immigration and the commissioners of emigration of the state of New York
(New York 1870, 19692) 20-27; Van Hinte, Netlierlanders in America, 105-107.
31. Derived from R.P. Swierenga (comp.), Dutch immigrants in U.S. ship passenger manifests, 1820-1880. An
alphabetical listing by household heads and independent persons. 2 vols. (Wilmington 1983).
32. Dutch immigrant memoirs, 1:256: 1:309; Lucas, Netherlander in America, 208, 484; Baay, 'Dear friends
back home', 28.
33. Dutch immigrant memoirs, 1:116, 241, 230.
34. Van der Meulen, Geliefde vrienden, 3, 9.
35. Dutch immigrant memoirs, 1:233, 142, 116, 91, 255; Berkhout, Brief van Noord AmerikaBaay, 'Dear
friends back home', 28.
36. Dutch immigrant memoirs, 1:39; M. Mensenk (Albany, New York) to fellow believers in the Netherlands
(Amsterdam), 30 December 1846, in: Amsterdamse emigranten, 68-70.